

Search results for 'door material'

Protective Restaurant Door Hardware and Doors: What’s Best and Why

With more than one million locations in the United States alone, it’s not hard to understand why so many of our service calls revolve around the restaurant industry. According to the National Restaurant Association, on a typical day, the restaurant industry does approximately $1.9 billion in sales. That is a crazy amount and to think […]

Winter is Coming. Is Your Door and Lock Hardware Ready?

While Game of Thrones might not be back on television until April, the drop in temperature has made one thing abundantly clear: Winter is coming. *cue my salty, salty tears Whether we like it or not, cold weather is on the way and recently we were asked, “Is there anything I can do to prepare […]

Water Softening System Damage & Chemical Resistant Doors

When we think about the damage that occurs with doors, rarely do we think about the water softening systems many businesses use to cut down on the amount of hardness in the water. Hard water can cause a myriad of problems that range from water spots on glassware to tainting the flavor of drinking water. […]

Door Hardware Specification: Reduce Your Budget

Is your door hardware specification budget something you have ever scrutinized? What if I told you that the average hardware budget we see on specifications is around $15,000 per building; does that make you want to give it a good once-over? Our team of door and hardware specialists review specifications on a regular basis and […]

The Hidden Cost of Improper Door Plans: What You Should Know

Did you know that improper door plans could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars?  Yes—you read that correctly. If your door plans specify doors and hardware that violate ADA code, you could be fined $55,000-$110,000 per violation. Yikes! And that’s not the only way they can cost you. Here are the top three ways […]

Door Terminology-Door and Hardware Schedule Abbreviations

When I look at a door and hardware schedule, the door terminology can be so confusing I feel like I’m reading a legal contract. It might as well say, “Hitherto, henceforth, the LHR, FRP G door with a KD frame shall be held in a binding agreement notwithstanding improper installation.” Say what? The truth of […]