
Customer Testimonials

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Our Account Rep is great! He responds quickly to our needs, and when we don’t really understand something about the product, he explains it.

Franchise Wholesaler, Owner

LockNet has proven to be a valuable partner in helping solve door issues in a timely and professional manner for both planned and unplanned projects. Their product is very reliable and cost effective. Additionally, if issues arise during the service experience, they will continue to work through the issues until the customer is completely satisfied. Although it was an isolated case and a pre-existing condition, they stepped up to the plate and worked thru the problem until it was resolved. It is a pleasure to work with the LockNet team.

Casual Dining Chain, Facility Manager

I work with LockNet because they are dependable...

National Theatre Company, Loss Prevention Manager

LockNet is cooperative and easy to work with. They have very consistent service.

Bank Service Company, Purchasing

I work with LockNet because they are a one stop shop.

Quick Serve Restaurant Chain, Warranty Manager

LockNet is very convenient and reliable.

National Veterinary Services Chain, Facilities Manager

LockNet is easy to communicate with and is very responsive to service needs.

Casual Dining Chain, Facilities Manager

I work with LockNet because of the ease of communication and response by them on quotes and ordering.

Construction Services, Owner

LockNet exceeds my expectations by having very fast service when I need it.

Quick Serve Restaurant Chain, Administrative Assistant

LockNet’s rear door unit, in my opinion, is the best on the market.

Construction Services, Project Manager

The laminate on one of our doors got damaged on-site and our LockNet Account Rep was very helpful in getting us the correct information to order.

Construction Company, Regional Manager

LockNet has saved my GCs money and time 9379

Pharmacy Chain, Regional Construction Manager

Locknet has always done a nice job quoting, shipping and delivering quality service and products.

Lakeview Construction, Project Manager

We never have any damage because of the way the material is created. We look forward to doing more business in the future with LockNet.

Berry Construction, Project Manager