
Is Chip Security the New Key?

Bits from the Industry > Is Chip Security the New Key?

futureI talked last week about how biometrics in security is progressing at a rapid pace. What I didn’t expect to see this week was an article about how a company in Sweden is offering the opportunity to have a chip implanted into employees’ hands that will allow them to complete various activities ranging from opening doors to purchasing food.

Say what?!

I know, it sounds crazy, but Epicenter, a company that runs corporate innovation labs, is basically allowing employees to turn their bodies into human keys.

We’ve talked about biometrics in the past, but we’ve never touched on chip security implants.

Chip Security and Today’s World

There is significant amount of controversy surrounding chip security implants. The amount of information that can be gathered from them and what can be done with that information are only a couple of the concerns. On the other side of the fence, you have people touting their benefits, from helping with new developments in cancer treatment or , making day-to-day tasks easier such as opening doors and paying for items.

At Epicenter, about 150 employees have signed up and had chips implanted into their hands. This eliminates them having to fumble around for keys to open doors or misplacing credit cards when it comes time to make a purchase. The technology used for the chip security implants is similar to that used in Apple Pay.

However, while convenience is great and all, many are warning that it is possible for hackers to gain information from the chips and the information can be sensitive. Imagine if someone had access to all of your health data. Not necessarily stuff you really want out there for all to see.

While chip security implants are still quite a bit from being mainstream, it is definitely something you want to keep an eye out for when it comes to progress in the security world. So, tell me, would you get chipped for convenience? I wouldn’t, but I’m curious to know what others think! Leave it in the comments or shoot me an email here!

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