
7 Steps to Creative Brainstorming

LockBytes > 7 Steps to Creative Brainstorming

creative brainstormingWe’ve all been there – you’re running the same ideas in circles and coming up with nothing. I’m not the first, and I definitely won’t be the last, to broach the subject of brainstorming but it’s a necessary evil within every company. We all want to be ahead of the pack when it comes to innovation and new ideas – what better way than to host regular creative brainstorming sessions? Here are a few tips to get you started in your creative brainstorming efforts:

1. Identify Goals

This is usually one of the first things determined, possibly even before the actual “brainstorming session.” You’ll be able to stay motivated and keep the end-results in sight when you have a goal in mind throughout the session.

It’s hard to find a business person who hasn’t heard of SMART goals in their college days, or their own business ventures; they’re not unheard of around the LockNet offices either.


  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Bound

2. Set a Time Limit

You’ll have to end your brainstorming session at some point – it’s not unusual for these sessions to end when people simply run out of ideas. This isn’t necessarily the best approach. Setting a time limit can increase your sense of urgency and send your wheels spinning at a more accelerated pace.

3. Write Down/Sketch Everything

I have been known to sit at the “round table of brainstorming” with my box of every color Sharpie you can imagine and visually brainstorm a presentation, website page, graphic design, or sales collateral on many occasion. Once your creative juices start flowing the visual representation will facilitate the creative process and spark even more ideas.

4. Embrace the Crazy

Bear with me for a moment – no judging. Even the most outlandish of ideas can steer you in the direction of the perfect plan. The ideas that sometimes seem ridiculous or over the top can be stripped of their unrealistic aspects and arrive at something fresh and innovative.

5. Bring in an Outsider

When you bring in an outsider you’ll be forced to take a step back, explain the process of what you’re working on, and look at your process from another’s perspective. You’ll be able to avoid the dreaded “group-think mentality” by shaking things up with ideas that are off the wall and different.

6. Start General then Get Specific

You’ve already set your goals and hopefully have a target in sight for making them happen. Start your brainstorming session with a general idea of the topic you’re covering. Use the session to hone in on the goals in mind and think outside the box on how you’re going to get there.

7. Cat Pictures

Studies have shown that looking at pictures of cute animals can boost your productivity efforts and stoke creativity. Not to mention the fact that it will boost your mood and maybe give you a chuckle to get you through that 2:00 slump.

That’s it – now go do something amazing!

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