
New Year’s Resolution: Let’s Keep Our Hardware Well Maintained

Checklists > New Year’s Resolution: Let’s Keep Our Hardware Well Maintained

resolutionI happen to love the start of a new year. I like the feeling of a clean slate—getting to start over fresh and energized. I also like the possibility of really being able to make resolutions for change. Here’s a resolution we should all get behind: Let’s be a little gentler on our hardware in 2015, ok? The stuff can be pretty expensive, so why not do our best to keep it well-maintained? Here are a few ways you can keep all of your hardware around for the long haul.

Resolution – I will check the parts on my hardware regularly.

This one is such a no-brainer that it’s easy to forget! But seriously, simply checking your hardware for any loose components can save you a boatload, because you’re staying ahead of the game!

If there are loose and/or exposed screws, make sure they’re tightened up. A lot of times, you can do this yourself, however it’s important to keep in mind that some parts will require a locksmith to tighten, because the lock may require a little dismantling to reach them.

Resolution – I will keep my strikes clean.

As the old saying goes, “A clean strike is a working strike.” Well… ok, so maybe it isn’t a really well known saying, but that doesn’t make it any less true! You need to check your strikes on a regular basis to ensure that they aren’t clogged with pieces of trash or dirt. If they are, you may have just found the reason your strike isn’t latching properly. Not only can it cause damage, but if the strikes are obstructed, it will decrease the amount of security for your building.

Resolution – I will keep my hardware well-lubricated.

We’ve all heard the phrase “it runs like a well-oiled machine,” (that one really is a saying) and there’s a reason that it’s so common – it’s true. Since your door certainly qualifies as a machine, it’s important to think about lubrication. Sure, you can use WD-40 on the components, but that’s only a short-term fix and is mainly used for breaking parts free if they’ve become gummed up over time due to mineral deposits or grime. That’s not always the case for the components of your door. By using a Teflon-based lubrication you’re extending the life of your hardware and (bonus!) saving some extra money along the way. Yay Teflon!

Resolution – I will make sure everything is working correctly.

A door that doesn’t completely shut or latch may seem like a pesky little problem rather than something to really worry about, but you may want to think again. Any dragging or slamming done by your door can easily damage other components within the door, and ultimately costing you more money in maintenance fees. We want to avoid that, and it’s easy to do. Just keep an eye out to make sure your doors are working properly. The first sign of an issue is your cue to do some investigating. It could be as simple as adjusting your door closer for the correct swing, but regardless, you want to take a look and get the issues repaired ASAP.

Resolution – I will always use proper grade hardware.

Yes, we know– we preach about hardware grades a lot. But that’s only because we’re trying to help, we promise. Proper-grade hardware is HUGE when it comes to maintenance. Granted, you may have to pay a little more money up front, but in the long run, you’re going to rake in the savings.

Heavily-used doors are going to have a higher chance of damage, so you’re going to want to invest in the higher-grade hardware to go along with your scheduled maintenance. Check your specs to make sure your hardware grades match up, and if you have any questions, contact your local AHJ (Authorities Having Jurisdiction); they’ll be able to help.

It’s the beginning of a new year, so why don’t we all make the resolution to stop spending extra money on hardware maintenance, especially since it can be avoided with just a few simple steps. Happy 2015 from LockNet!

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