
Key System Implementation: Policies to Consider

Featured Articles > Key System Implementation: Policies to Consider

key systemSo you’ve decided a key system is an excellent choice for your facility, but you’re at a loss on where to start. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. With all of the options available, it’s understandable you would be overwhelmed. Thankfully, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to make the process easier and help you get started.

The Key to Key Systems

Once you’ve chosen the type of key system you plan on using, you need to develop some policies to keep everything running smoothly. It’s a good idea to know how many keys you want issued per store. Not having to deal with a large number of keys can make operations run easier, decreasing your chances of losing issued keys. However, it’s a balancing act because too few keys can actually slow down store operations. Take a look at the purpose you want your key system to serve. This will help you determine how many keys to issue; a tighter level of security requires fewer keys.

Who’s Got Which Key?

Another aspect you’ll want to really dig into is who you designate to carry the keys you issue. This step is especially crucial if you’ve chosen a master key system. Anyone who utilizes the key system within your facility needs to understand exactly who is allowed to carry each level of key. This maintains the appropriate level of access each individual has, and reduces risk.

Who Can Order Keys?key-system_master-key-setup

Next, you’ll want to have a plan for how key orders are placed. This is something you can easily work out with your key system vendor. They’ll need to know who is authorized to order keys, and you’ll need to put together an easily understood order process. You’ll also need to let your staff know the process for ordering keys; this will prevent any unauthorized personnel from attempting to order keys.

New Store Openings

Finally, think about when you want the key system installed for new store openings. We recommend using construction cores during the building phase. This eliminates the risk of tradesmen having access to your facility once construction is completed. Just before the store is turned over, have your true key system installed. This gives you (and not your general contractor) full control over your key system.

Key systems can be overwhelming, but breaking everything down into manageable components is the best way to tackle the project. Key system vendors are a great resource if you have questions, and, like always, we’re here to help if you need us.

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