
Creative Block – Steps To Overcome the Issue

Bytes from LockNet > Creative Block – Steps To Overcome the Issue

creative block picWhether we’re writing, creating something in Photoshop or simply just trying to brainstorm new ideas for work, we’ve all hit that block. You’re chugging along with great ideas and it smacks you in the face out of nowhere. It’s happened to all of us – the dreaded creative block.

It’s not the end of the world, no matter how frustrating it can be, because we’ve always got more creative juice in the tank. It’s just a matter of getting those juices flowing again. Here are some ways we can spark that creative flame and get rolling on our projects once again.

Spill Your Guts

It may see counterintuitive to write if, perhaps, that’s the one thing you’re trying to do and seems like you can’t. However, it’s a tried and true method. If you simply grab a notebook and start scribbling down everything that pops into your head, eventually you’re going to stumble across something that makes the proverbial light bulb above your head go off.

It’s important to remember that you aren’t going to remember every idea you have. Every good writer will tell you that they keep a notebook on them at all times to scribble down any random idea they have. That way they can glance back at the notebook later and jar their memory.

Move, Move, Move!

I know. It seems like any time we’re talking about creativity we mention getting up and moving around. Sorry, but facts are facts and getting your blood and endorphins flowing is a sure way to spark some creativity. The change of scenery along with the change in heart rate is a go–to for many when it comes to getting over a creative block.

Even if you’re just getting up from your desk and taking a stroll around your office, it could be enough to really give you the extra oomph you need to roll past that block and on to the greatest idea you’ve ever had!

Don’t Hit That Snooze Button.

Technically, yes, hitting snooze may snag you a few more minutes of sleep but the problem? It isn’t quality sleep. Brainstorming takes focus, which we just talked about a couple of weeks ago, and better focus is a side effect of better sleep.  And we’re talking the good, REM type sleep, not that measly nine-minutes–a-pop sleep that you get from hitting the snooze button.

Quality sleep actually takes a teensy bit of effort on your part. Turn off your phone, step away from your email, and click the TV off. You need to make some time for some darkness and your comfy bed without the distractions that these electronics dole out. People, electronics are seriously disturbing our sleep and if you’re anything like me… then you LOVE your sleep. I know it’s hard because most of us are very attached to our phone, but try it out. For a week, leave your phone to charge on the counter instead of beside your bed.

Regardless of which method works best for you, don’t get disheartened when you hit that wall. There’s a way over it, around it or under it. It’s all just a matter of which way you choose to go.

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