
The LockNet 2015 Year-In-Review

LockBytes > The LockNet 2015 Year-In-Review

locknetAs hard as it is to believe, we’ve made it to final week of 2015. And while we could talk about 2015 being the year the world brought us the scam that was “hoverboards,” (they aren’t hoverboards! There’s no hovering! There’s only rolling! And honestly, there’s been some exploding which is quite alarming.) instead let’s go back over the more important things.

We had several big events at LockNet and what better time to take a look back?

The Big LockNet Move

This was one of the biggest events in our history so it has to be first in our year-end review. In 2014, after it was obvious the growth wasn’t going to slow down any time soon, the decision was made to move the company offices to a larger building. Because  we had just moved our warehouse to a newer building, we already had the building in our possession.

In early 2015, we began the process of remodeling our old warehouse into what is now our new offices. We’ve talked about them a lot during the past few months and even gave our readers a chance to take a tour of some of the state-of-the-art doors we had installed throughout the building. We officially moved in September and have been at home ever since!

The LockNet Annual Fun Day

We held off on holding this year’s Fun Day until we moved into our new building. That pushed it back until almost October, which is unusual for us, because it’s typically an end-of-summer type deal. The decision paid off, though. Because we have so much more room at the new building, we were able to spread out more for games and contests.

The Fun Day committee went with a western theme this year and they really went all out. The decorations were fantastic and the food (a local barbecue food truck) was delicious. All-in-all, it turned out to be one of the most successful Fun Days in the LockNet history.

The LockNet Annual Holiday Celebration

Not that we really need to review this, per se, because it just happened a couple of weeks ago, but it was such a fun night, I couldn’t leave it out. In the past LockNet has tried to keep things fairly low key when it comes to holiday celebrations, but this year, it was a big deal.

We decided to host a party off-site at a local establishment and have food catered. We had a really great turn out and everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves. We celebrated in style with great food, music, and quite a few laughs all around. I can only hope we have as much fun next year.

So that about wraps it up. Did you all have a great year? Are you as excited for 2016 as we are? We can’t wait to see what’s around the corner for us! Happy New Year!


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