
Reducing the Amount of Missing Hardware for Commercial Door Installation

Solution Center > Reducing the Amount of Missing Hardware for Commercial Door Installation

commercial door installationIf you are a parent of little girls, you are more than likely all too familiar with the many, many tiny parts that come along with building a Barbie Dream House. (Or any of Barbie’s humble abodes… The beach house, the camper, the luxury swimming pool…)

Until I had a daughter of my own I had no idea how many hours my mother spent painstakingly arranging all of the parts that went along with putting one of those things together; and more often than not, I was met with tears eventually about some missing hardware that was needed to complete some vital piece of the house. (Like the elevator, because everyone has one of those in their house and no one can manage without one.)

Now I get it.

It’s a nightmare. Not a dream, Barbie.

The same pretty much goes for actual buildings and commercial door installation, which is why we are very frequently bombarded with the question:

We have several instances of missing hardware and parts getting lost or mixed up at job sites. What can we do to prevent this?


Did you know, on average, there are between six to eight pieces of hardware per opening that goes along with commercial door installation? And did you know, on average, there are approximately 20 openings per facility?

That’s a lot of potential missing hardware.

Often, vendors will ship everything at once in one mass shipment. This can cause headaches and frustrations for all parties involved. There are some options to make the process easier.

Pictures to Reduce Missing Hardware

Barbie knew what she was doing with her easy-to-follow instructions. Most of them come with pictures to help guide parents along.

If you have pictures of what each opening is supposed to look like, the commercial door installation will be much easier. Often, general contractors are shipped parts with no instructions. This leaves a lot of guess work out in the open and it can often result in missing hardware or incorrect parts. A picture is worth a thousand words (and several hours of frustration-free installation).

Separate Packaging

Instead of the parts required for the commercial door installation being shipped to you in one mass shipment, if you have each opening packaged individually you’ll spend less time trying to figure out what opening each part is supposed to go in.

Talk to your vendors and see how they package their parts. There are a few vendors out there who individually package each opening and this is crucial to saving time and headaches when it’s time to install.

LockNet has a process we use to ensure all parts are individually packaged per opening and clearly labeled. This makes everything easier from start to finish and saves time and money while doing so.

Do you have questions about any missing hardware for commercial door installation? Curious as to how our bag and tag process can work for you? Give us a call and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.


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