
Physical Security Procedures After a Robbery

Solution Center > Physical Security Procedures After a Robbery

physical security proceduresIn our industry we see a lot of break-ins and robberies.

(Hey, it’s the security industry. You can’t expect anything less.)

However, it’s overwhelming to anyone who doesn’t see this type of thing on a daily basis. We’re often called by panicked facility managers saying:

“My store was just robbed. What should we do?”

Because of that we’ve put together a checklist of physical security procedures to run through after a robbery.

Physical Security Procedures

Integrity of Door

One of the first physical security procedures you should look into after a robbery is to check on the integrity of the opening that was breached. If the door was pried open or if the lock has been jimmied, this can cause major damage to your door and possibly wreak havoc on your well thought-out budget. Not only may you have to replace the door, but it might give you a better idea of hardware that’s more suited for this type of opening.

This is a great reminder to check the integrity of your other doors. If your hardware is worn down, this can make it easier for thieves to get in. A simple check ahead of time can save you a boatload of time and trouble.

This is also the perfect time to check your warranties. If your hardware is wearing out sooner than it’s supposed to, that could be cause for concern, but it would also mean that the cost to replace it is more than likely covered by the warranty.


Did you know that employee theft costs companies $50 billion a year and causes one in three  bankruptcies?

That is an absurd amount of money!

If your company has suffered through a robbery and you suspect it may be an inside job, you will want to have your entire facility rekeyed. If the thief managed to get away with the crime, you don’t want to (literally) open up the door for him to come back in and do a repeat. This is one of the easier physical security procedures to update. Of course, it depends on the type of key system you have, but a rekey can actually take very little time and be fairly simple to accomplish.

Trust us. It’s worth it.

Audit Trails

If you have a lock with audit trail capabilities, you’re probably aware of all of the information that piece of hardware can hold. Of course, what information you gather will depend on the type of lock you have, but if you deal with an industry that has a lot of shrink, these can be incredibly helpful.

After a robbery, do a run-through of your audit trails and gather the information available. Some audit trails can tell you which employees entered the facility at a certain time, while others can just give you the dates the openings were accessed. Regardless, the information you can glean from these locks will help you figure out important details and will help you prepare better to avoid these incidents in the future.

Hardware Grade

Hardware grades can play a big factor in whether a thief is successful or not. Take a look at what happened to French Laundry in Napa Valley, California. Tens of thousands of dollars worth of wine was stolen and the thieves didn’t seem to have that hard of time acquiring the stolen goods.

The restaurant was protecting their wine with a residential frame and residential hardware. That type of hardware wasn’t built to withstand the kind of use a restaurant would endure and the hardware and door would wear down much faster than if a higher grade hardware were used.

If you’ve been a victim of a robbery, check the hardware grades on your openings. I know we preach about hardware grades all the time, but it’s only because we love you and want you to get the most out of your hardware.

Has your facility recently been involved in a robbery? Do you want to upgrade your physical security procedures? We have professionals who are more than willing to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call!


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