
Dumpster Diving Security

Solution Center > Dumpster Diving Security

While we might be all about doors and locks here at LockNet that doesn’t mean we aren’t concerned with the security of other things besides your actual facility. We’re concerned with the security of all things and just the other day, a client called with the following issue:

“Someone or something is raiding my dumpsters. What can I do to deter them?”

(This is Dave. Dave isn’t raiding our dumpster but since he’s in a dumpster it’s slightly relevant to the topic of the post.)

Fortunately, there are a few options available to help with dumpster diving security.

Dumpster Diving Security: Your Options

Padlocks and Shackles

This is probably the easiest answer. Simple, but effective, a padlock and shackle will quickly shut down the ability to freely open the dumpsters near your facility and increase your dumpster diving security. The shackle can be looped through the handles of the dumpster and make it unable to access without a key.

A manager will need to be assigned to be in charge of the key for every shift so employees are able to get into the dumpster when needed. This might add a little more to the manager’s plate if they have to take time out of their shift to go and unlock the padlock every time, but if your dumpsters being raided is a significant problem, it will be worth it in the long run.

Dumpster Corral

Dumpster corrals are another great option for dumpster diving security. It’s simply a fence that’s placed around the dumpsters. It adds one more step between the vandals and/or animals and the dumpster and increases the chances of being caught.

On top of deterring possible dumpster raiders, you get the added bonus of making the parking lot more aesthetically pleasing for your customers. A lot of gross stuff can get thrown away in dumpsters. If you hide the actual bin for your garbage, you can deter raiders and please your customers. It’s a win-win.

Well-Lit Area

This is a very simple solution to the dumpster issue. A well lit area will deter nocturnal animals as well as keep wanna be vandals away from your dumpsters.

Spotlights or streetlights in your parking lot can be used. Motion sensor lights are also an excellent choice that can save you money on your electric bill as they’ll only turn on when motion is detected. If access to an electrical outlet is a little tricky, solar lights are also viable options.

Compost Your Food

Composting is a great way to not only go green, but to also help keep vagrants and stray animals away from your dumpsters. Two birds with one stone!

Composting allows you to dispose of the food waste you have left over in what’s called a compost pile. With it not in your dumpster, animals are less likely to be attracted to the area.

Overall, increasing your dumpster diving security isn’t that hard. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact someone here at LockNet and we’ll be happy to help.


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