
Elf Door? You Tell Me.

LockBytes > Elf Door? You Tell Me.

elf doorWhen I first began working at LockNet, I wasn’t at all aware of exactly how much doors and locks would begin to invade my everyday thoughts.

Sure, we walk through doors every single day but really, how much attention do you give them? (My guess is about .00002%.)

What I was really shocked by was exactly how often someone from LockNet would send me a picture and a text reading, “Hey, do you think you can make a blog post out of this?” I mean, I think about doors a lot, but there are people who work here who actually take time to stop and send me pictures of them.

That’s dedication.

Usually, though, they’re strange enough to be funny. And better than that, the weirdest ones usually come from Chad Miller, LockNet CEO and Top Weird Door Finder.

What Were They Thinking?

Last night as I was lying in bed watching that pitiful display of UK basketball I received a text from Chad with the following picture:

elf door

His text read, “I’m not sure how, but I feel like this door belongs in a blog post somewhere.”

Oh how right you were, Mr. Miller.

My immediate response to him was, “Or you need to run because that is clearly a magical creature’s bathroom and that is its door.”

In reality, I’m very curious! Aside from possibly being an elf door to a magical land, who puts a tiny door above a toilet like that? What’s behind the door? Who planned this out? Is this ADA Code compliant? Are we the first people to take a picture of this door and genuinely wonder what it’s for?

I have so many questions.

Maybe you guys have answers so I need you to tell me. Is it an elf door? Does it have a functional purpose? Inquiring minds want to know!


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